Sunday, January 7, 2007

A response

A response
(Upon reading the prayers of Brueggemann)
Decemeber 26 & 29, 2006

Forgive me for my disappointment with you
for believing my plans are more efficient than yours

Forgive me for my unbelief
amidst my belief

Forgive me for my inattentivness
to the gentle and merciful ways in which you care for me
protect me
shelter me

Forgive me for forgetting you in my joy
when all my small world is at ease

Forgive me for lusting after things temporal
not eternal
not sufficient
not satisfactory

Forgive me for believing my sacrifice is great
and forgetting yours was complete

Forgive me for my deceitfulness
in believing that any good can come from myself
by myself

Forgive me for living in the world and of the world

Forgive me for my selfishness
for my lack of love for those around me
for giving only my 10 percent, and not a penny more

Forgive me for my unrepentant spirit
for not grieving my sins deeply

Forgive me Lord, for my wandering eyes
and faith-less heart

Forgive me for my impatience with you
and your higher ways

Forgive me for my pridefulness
for believing I can take even
one breath
one heartbeat
with my own power

Save me O Lord, from the perils of this earth,
from the enemy that seeks to devour,
but mostly O God,
save me from my own depravity

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